How old is the wood used to make this violin?
Some dates to consider for prospective (as of today):
246 years ago: The United States of America is formed.
378 years ago: Antonio Stradivarius is born.
2,774 years ago: According to legend, Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus.
4,000 years ago: Wooly Mammoths become extinct.
5,500 years ago: The Invention of the Wheel.
10,500 years ago: The emergence of farmers and stockbreeders.
13,000 - 16,000 years ago: The first human migration into North America.
40,000 years ago: Neanderthals become extinct.
50,000+ years ago: An Ancient Kauri tree grew in New Zealand, providing the wood used to make this CT Stradivarius violin replica.