Crafted from the heartwood of the Mountain Mahogany, a species native to North America. This supreme wood, known for its...
One of the most frequent questions we get about the Rippleboard fingerboard is “Does it still allow slides or glissando...
In the gilded glow of the morning's grace, Dances the light on the violin's face. Contours and curves come to...
At Hellweg & Cloutier, we're pushing the boundaries of the centuries-old art of luthiery. Our latest creation? A custom tailpiece...
Of all of the woods we have seen made into violin fittings, Mountain Mahogany is certainly among our favorite. With...
A Hellweg & Cloutier violin scroll with Mountain Mahogany "Fleur De Lis" model violin pegs and a Rippleboard
A cornerless violin with an antiqued oil finish modeled after Antonio Stradivarius’ 1704 “Betts,” featuring a darkened version of the...
An 18th century violin featuring a thinner version of the Lady Blunt pegs in rare naturally dark mountain mahogany and...
A violin featuring a fusion of Stradivari and Amati scrolls, a thicker variant of the Lady Blunt pegs in mountain...
A cornerless replica of a golden period Stradivari violin, with a single-piece backplate
The "Messiah" model violin tailpiece in raw, untreated Boxwood. With our Boxwood fittings, we choose not to apply any buffing,...
New fittings and a Rippleboard for an old violin. The “Lady Blunt” tailpiece and pegs are carved in Mountain...
A mountain mahogany tailpiece modeled after the fittings adorned on Antonio Stradivarius’ 1709 “La Pucelle” violin. Given the natural variability...
Two “Hill style” violin tuning pegs. The brown peg in front is made from Mountain Mahogany, while the black peg...
Fleur de Lis pegs in 750+ year old Mountain Mahogany on an original Hellweg & Cloutier violin
A replica peg set in 750+ year old Mountain Mahogany. The replica set is based upon the 1709 “La Pucelle”...
Richlite is a composite material made from recycled paper, making it a more eco-friendly option for an ebony replacement. Not...
“Lady Blunt” pegs in rare dark Mountain Mahogany wood on an 18th century violin with a Rippleboard.
No need to struggle on the violin again. With a Rippleboard fingerboard, you'll only need to spend one lifetime mastering...
Cornerless 1704 “Betts” Stradivarius replica violin, with mountain mahogany “Fleur de Lis” pegs and “Messiah” tailpiece. If you look close,...